Sponsors Awards*
Rio Tinto Innovation Award
Awarded to a team that stands out for the innovative nature of the solution developed to solve the Surprise challenge.
Winner - 500$ CAD per team - Team 232 Garuda, Indonesia
Watch the interview with the team here: https://youtu.be/5YIev0D1_ck
Finalists - 250$ CAD per team
- Team 166 VRstorm, Hungary
- Team 120 bin_rädi, Switzerland

LEGO Education Creativity Award
Awarded to a team that stands out for the creativity of its robotic solution in the Open Category.
Winner - 1 LEGO Spike Prime set + Extension for each team member
- Team 204 GREENTOPIA, Vietnam

Juniper Networks Girls in STEM Award
Awarded to a National Organizer in recognition of their achievements in promoting science to girls or in recognition of their new ideas to encourage girls to compete. Details
Winner, Future Project, 5000 USD - STEM Cambodia
Winner, Past Project, 5000 USD - WRO Switzerland

Special Mentions
Climate Squad Mention
The objective of the Climate Squad is to provide solutions to mitigate climate change. The team whose Open project has the best environmental potential will deserve this special mention.
Winner - Team 385 ahmed bin alnuman, Oman
Snowstorm Mention
The spirit of the Snowstorm challenge was to lift the snow to deposit it in the depot. The team whose robot demonstrates this ability in the most realistic way will deserve this special mention.
Team 235 PETE Jogja, Indonesia
Team166 VRstorms, Hungary
Team 137 Canbot, Canada

Awards for Robot Performance
Regular (published), Open (published) and Surprise (published)
Elementary 10-12
Junior 13-15
Senior 16-19

Awards for Canada Wide Trivia Game
Registered participants who achieve the best results in the Canada Wide Trivia Game will be rewarded.
Trivia Game #1
1st place
Team 119 Clutch, Singapore
Team 105 GLegoRobotik, Switzerland
Team 306 Mau Tau Aja, Indonesia
2nd place
Team 157 NEeV, India
Team 155 Titan, Canada
3rd place
Team 103 Lego...Matata!, Panama
Team 119 Clutch, Singapore
Trivia #2
1st place
Team 293 Jarribot, Spain
2nd place
Team 293 Jarribot, Spain
3rd place
Team 293 Jarribot, Spain
Team 105 GLegoRobotik, Switzerland
Team 155 Titan, Canada

Certificates of Participation
All registered participants who have submitted an acceptable video for one of the categories will receive an official WRO 2020-X digital participation certificate.
* A team can not win more than one (1) Sponsors' Award.